
A Checklist for tailoring Feedback for your Team Members

A Checklist for tailoring Feedback for your Team Members

As a leader are you sometimes apprehensive about offering feedback? When it comes to feedback conversations, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach.

Taking the time and care to tailor feedback to each of your team members sends a strong message to them that you want the best for them.

Below is a list for you to use with your team (or one-on-one) to start the Warm Up phase of the Feedback Fitness Framework:

Do you know how to tailor the feedback to the preference of each team member?

What are your team members’ preferences when it comes to receiving feedback at work?  If you know this, you are not walking in blind to the conversation.  You can prepare and improve the quality of the feedback you are offering.

An Example

Imagine in your team,  you have Rachna and Mel. Although they are performing the same role, to about the same standard, they have very different communication styles.

Rachna responds best when you offer to her highly detailed feedback, with plenty of time to discuss the information and get into the nitty-gritty.  She wants time to process and come back to you for a further conversation.

In contrast, Mel responds best to direct and in the moment feedback. She relates to facts and figures, she often wants evidence and numbers.  She can’t stand it when people fluff about in a conversation. ‘Just get the point’.

As leader, can you be flexible in the way you offer feedback to both Rachna and Mel?

Can you get your own feedback offering preferences out of the way so you can tailor the feedback you offer to others in a way that resonates for them?

A checklist for the Warm Up conversation

Start by asking each team member to think of a time when they received really useful feedback in the past. Ask them to describe what was it about the way it was offered that made it useful for them.  Listen as they share with you their preference for receiving feedback.

Check that together, during the Warm Up Conversation, you have covered the following:

  • The style they prefer when receiving feedback

  • The scope of the future feedback conversations you will be having

  • The amount of feedback you will be offering

  • The location they feel comfortable in receiving feedback

  • The regularity of feedback conversations

  • Do they prefer concrete examples?

  • Do they prefer a certain number of examples?

  • What is their preference on receiving Public / private feedback (especially praise)

  • Out of the options of receiving feedback In person / Teams / phone, which is their preference?

Based on their responses, you may need to negotiate how you both see future feedback conversations taking place.  You may need to explain that you will try to accommodate their preferences to the best of your ability and circumstances.  Think, ‘No surprises’ as you have this conversation.


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