Team Re-Connect 2025

Re-connect, re-inspire & re-engage your team in 2025. Support team members to feel more calm, confident, and connected within their team.

For many of us, 2024 has been filled with ongoing changes and challenges. With many vacancies in teams and part-time and hybrid working arrangements, team connection can be affected. Many team members are located in separate locations, making it harder for teams to gel well.

What People Leaders are saying:
  • 2024 has been a challenging year for the team, yet we want to be a high-performing team.

  • More change is coming and my team is already struggling with change fatigue.

  • Like many other teams, we have vacancies, part-time team members, and hybrid working arrangements in place.

  • We have a few new staff who have joined us, or staff who have left us - it feels a bit disjointed.

  • We are located in different sites, and it would be great to bring the team together and get us all on the same page with our communication and understanding of each other.

What team members are saying:
  • We need to work better together as team, and know how we can build each other up.

  • We want to feel connected, valued and improve our communication.

  • We would love more skills for connecting and building relationships with ourselves and our stakeholders.

  • We need some resilience tools in our tool kit.

  • We want to feel like we are working towards the same goal, united as one.

It’s time energise and re-charge your team with enthusiasm and excitement.

The Team Re-Connect 2025 Approach


Mindset: We explore the team members' beliefs, thinking styles, and how to increase flexibility in their thinking. The benefit is team members who are more open to listening to others, more agile in their approach, and more self-aware.

Power: Together we explore the power to choose and be responsible and accountable for our beliefs, emotions, actions, and words. This means they are more likely to provide useful feedback and hold others accountable. They will have the courageous conversations that many teams avoid.

Esteem: In the topic of esteem we explore how team members choose to value themselves and consider themselves as worthy. They learn to separate their self-worth from their performance. This means they are better equipped to receive feedback and make the changes suggested to them to take their skills to the next level.

Confidence: We look at how team members can increase confidence in their role, and step more into their authority, allowing them to have the difficult conversations often avoided. Lack of confidence results in poor performing teams.

Courage: Exploring courage is vital in creating connected teams. Lack of courage in teams results in ‘avoidance’ culture where teams remain stable, (even if they are dysfunctional), and growth is not achieved.

Choice: Understanding the combination of Mindset, Power and Esteem results in team members having more choice in how they show up, especially in the face of challenge, change and criticism. Teams who operate from lack of choice operate from blame, pain, and complain.

Learning outcomes for this program are specifically tailored to the needs of your team. Some of the learning outcomes can include:

  • Practical strategies for understanding each other's communication styles within the team, so that they can connect and collaborate more effectively.

  • Awareness of the of five common Work Style preferences, so that teams can understand how to communicate with each person effectively. to increase productivity and positive outcomes.

  • Bringing awareness of seven most prevalent Armours of Self-Protection, so that they can identify and reduce them.

  • Strategies so we are more skilled up in offering and receiving feedback to each other.

The Team Re-Connect 2025 Workshop is ideal for teams:

  • Who have new members.

  • Have faced significant changes in 2024.

  • Who have been involved in a re-structure.

  • Who have had a significant change in leadership.

  • Who have members returning from significant leave.

  • Who want to be a high-performing team.

  • Where the leader has moved from peer to leader.

  • Who want to feel more like a team going forward.

  • Are fearful/resistant to receiving feedback from each other.

  • Who want to come together, so they can 'gel -well'.

The Team Re-Connect 2025 Workshop is NOT ideal for teams:

  • Very high conflict teams - the 'Unshakeable Teams' program would be ideal.

  • Who want strategic planning workshop.

The Team Re-Connect 2025 Inclusions

  • Preparation Meeting with Leader.

  • Design of a half-day session.

  • Delivery of a half-Day Team Re-Connect Session onsite.

  • Additional Resources, such as links to books, Ted talks, Podcasts, a copy of presentation slides etc.

  • Evaluation Survey and Report.

  • Debrief and recommendations meeting with Leader.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who would benefit from the Team Re-Connect 2025? The team program is perfect for all teams, including new teams or restructured teams who want to hit the ground running in 2025. An experienced facilitator, Sue has worked with teams for the last 17 years, across many different industries.

How long is the Program? The workshop can be delivered as a half day (3.5 hours) or a full day (6 hours). It is also available as a 'Stay Connected' option, which is a half-day workshop every quarter for 12 months.

Where is the Workshop delivered? The Team Re-Connect workshop takes place on-site.

Who facilitates the program? Sue Anderson facilitates all delivery, and her Business Manager, Jane Bedggood co-ordinates logistics.

Can the program design be changed to meet the specific needs of my team? Yes! While the program design has been based on 17 years of delivery experience and feedback, Sue is happy to accommodate specific needs of your team and industry. 

Should the Leader / Manager participate in the program? Absolutely!


Book a time with Sue to discuss