
How to start a Feedback Conversation with your team

How to start a Feedback Conversation with your team

Have you ever wondered how to begin talking with your team about feedback, so your future feedback conversations are welcome, normal and expected? It is easier than you think when you have a framework and process to follow. To simplify the approach, start with the Warm Up Conversation.


Here are three topics for you to discuss with your team (or one on one) to begin the Warm Up phase of the Feedback Fitness Framework:

1. Ask about their beliefs about Feedback at work:

  • What is important to you about feedback at work?

  • What do you think about offering feedback at work?

  • What is your perspective on receiving feedback at work?

2. Ask where they see themselves on the Feedback Offering Ladder:

  • In the context of work, where do you place yourself on the Feedback Offering ladder?

  • What are your ‘it depends?’ when it comes to offering feedback at work?


3. Ask where they see themselves on the Feedback Receiving Ladder:

  • In the context of work, where do you place yourself on the Feedback Receiving ladder?

  • What are your ‘it depends?’ when it comes to receiving feedback at work?


Master Tip: Your role in this Warm Up conversation is to listen to their inner world regarding feedback, not to judge or correct, listen to understand their perspective.

It’s never too late to begin talking about feedback, even if you have been leading a person for many years. Use this conversation to connect, engage and support your team members, and set your future Feedback conversations up for success.

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