
Relationships Matter

Relationships Matter

I once coached a CEO and she was incredible!  I know she was incredible because I also coached four of her Directors, who all told me how incredible she was.  I asked her ‘What’s your secret?’

I will never forget her response: 

‘It’s three things. 1. Relationships. 2. Relationships. 3. Relationships’.

Feedback Fit leaders find ways to weave feedback conversations into the fabric of the work environment. They know that feedback conversations are more useful when they happen within the context of healthy relationships. When feedback is offered outside of relationships, the risk of it going pear-shaped is high, and is likely to further reduce the chance of a healthy, functioning, professional relationship.

Your Relationships Matter:

You hear and consider feedback offered to you by someone you already have a relationship differently to feedback you are offered by a stranger. It’s the nature of your relationship with the person that alters the meaning you attribute to the feedback.

Use the Warm-Up Conversation of the Feedback Fitness Framework to strengthen your relationships.


The Warm-Up conversation of the Feedback Fitness Framework is a perfect opportunity for you to build trust and connection with your team members.  It’s a chance to demonstrate your support, empathy and listening skills.