
Is it time for a mini recharge?

Is it time for a mini recharge?

Many leaders I’m coaching at the moment are describing feeling a bit blah.  Possibly, it’s a combination of a big first half of the year, the dreaded flu (the real flu!), or our old friend COVID paying us a visit.

You might be lucky enough to have a holiday booked in soon, or be looking forward to one in September or later in the year.  One CFO I was talking with shared that she has just booked a recharge holiday in Noosa for May, 2025. ‘It’s so I have something to look forward to’. Another leader always has quarterly long weekends booked in, a year in advance, where she takes the Friday and Monday off for a 4 day ‘staycation’ (at home).

But if a holiday feels a long way away, sometimes a mini recharge can help. Below are some of my favourite go-to listens when I notice I’m feeling a bit flat: