
Three easy steps to simplify Feedback

Three easy steps to simplify Feedback

Date: September 26th, 2023
Time: 13:00 to 14:00AEST
Where: Online - Zoom

Take the mystery out of providing effective feedback. The Feedback Fitness Framework provides you with an easy-to-follow process with three distinct roles and purposes. This allows you to feel more confident and less hesitant when offering feedback.

Often Leaders face these challenges:

  • Fearful about how feedback will be received and worried a complaint will be made against them if they muck it up.

  • Thinking they should already have these skills, they are a leader - 'I can't admit I struggle with this stuff'.

  • Worried about damaging the relationships with the people they lead – so they avoid giving feedback.

  • They are worried good people will leave if they are not used to being held accountable, and they start now.

You are invited to a complimentary online Mini-Masterclass, and we will be looking at the following:

  • The Warm Up, Work Out, & Cool Down of the Feedback Fitness Framework.

  • Acknowledgement, Evaluation, and Guidance Feedback and the importance of the order.

  • Cheer Leader, Qualified Assessor, Coach and Mentor roles.

I would love to see you there!