Your organisation has invested in setting up the systems / platforms for feedback conversations to take place, but have not yet invested in creating a culture that embraces the system.
Some Leaders see feedback as once a year tick and flick task, especially when it comes to holding people accountable and performance reviews processes.
You are worried about the risk of complaints, bullying claims, stress claims & litigation that might result from poorly delivered feedback.
Poor behaviour is tolerated and has been for years due to a lack of people being held accountable.
Some leaders fear offering feedback because they find it uncomfortable, yet everyone has the right to receive quality feedback.
Some leaders expect others to be able to receive their feedback -yet they often struggle to receive it themselves.
We would like all employees to be skilled up in receiving feedback.
Fearful about how feedback will be received and worried a complaint will be made against you if you muck it up.
Thinking you should already have mastered these skills, 'I can't admit I struggle with this skill'.
Worried about damaging the relationships with the people you work with – so you avoid offering feedback.
Worried good people will leave if they are not used to being held accountable and you start now.
Aware you have let poor behaviour go in the past, and feel you can't bring it up now- 'it's too far gone'.