It’s been a tough year so far for many people. This has the potential to impact relationships within the team and team culture, therefore impacting productivity. Let’s not let this happen. Many leaders are searching for ideas to bring their teams together. They are wanting to run an end-of-financial ‘Team Day’ or ‘Planning Day’ but are not sure what to do.
Many Leaders are facing these challenges:
We have a few new staff who have joined us and senior staff who have left us - it feels a bit disjointed, and people don’t know each other.
Hybrid working arrangements mean we are not connecting well as a team.
I’m unsure about how to lead a team session that is fun but not cringy?
You are invited to a complimentary online Mini-Masterclass, and we will be looking at:
How to encourage ‘quiet’ team members to participate and share so everyone feels safe to share their thoughts.
How to talk about emotions at work in a non-confronting way, as this increases connectedness and understanding.
How to discuss your team members’ preferred Support Language, so you can support each and every member in a way that works best for them and the team.
I would love to see you there!